Eat Your Way To More Beautiful Skin


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You want to look beautiful on your wedding day. The key to beautiful skin everyday and especially on your wedding day goes beyond just make up and hair. You need to start your GLOW from within.

Unfortunately it wont be found at the bottom of a basket of french fries, a bowl of melty mac and cheese, or on plate of delicious tiramisu. None of those delicious fried, cheesy, and comforting foods are going to get you there. What you might get instead are unwanted breakouts and dry or flaky skin. A good beauty routine starts from within so you can skip buying that $100 moisturizer that you have been eyeing that promises you amazing results and glowing skin. Instead here five foods to kick start to your journey to a more beautiful you.

1. Wild Salmon Healthy eating habits always include ways to incorporate lean proteins into our meals and wild salmon is one of the best. Wild salmon is rich with omega-3 fatty acids, selenium, and vitamin D. This super food helps to keep your skin moisturized, shield your skin from sun exposure, and promotes strong bone health. Try to avoid the farm raised version of salmon because of the unhealthy dyes, higher levels of PCBs and possible use of antibiotics.

2. Yellow, Orange, and Red Fruits and Veggies These colorful fruits and vegetables such as blueberries, strawberries, carrots, lemons, raspberries, sweet potatoes, and tomatoes aren't just beautiful to look at they do even better work when eaten. Yellow, orange, and red fruits and veggies are full of skin brightening Vitamin-C which wards off wrinkles and age related dryness. Vitamin-C also has a skin smoothing effects because if its ability to get rid of free radicals produced from ultraviolet rays. Sounds good? It gets better Vitamin-C is essential for collagen production which helps to keep skin firm.

3. Avocados Which are another great source of healthy mono saturated fats. Avocados are amazing because they hydrate your skin from within and creates that dewy and refreshed complexion. If you want to get more uses out of avocados without having to eat them then a great alternative is to make a great mask for your face or hair. Avocados can be applied topically and create the same hydrated results. So invite your girls over and start getting beautiful results!

4. Walnuts Who knew something so small would pack such a nutritious punch? Walnuts are chocked full of zinc which is a mineral essential for clear and even skin. Zinc has anti-inflammatory properties that help to calm down skin irritation and minimize redness. Try to find organic and unsalted version of walnuts or nus like almonds and or cashews. This way you are consuming the healthiest version. Nuts with added season like salts and sugar have unwanted side effects like adding to your waistline and creating bloat with the high volume of sodium. Stick to the way mother nature intended and you will start to notice the difference.

5. Dark Chocolate We saved the best for last. Finally something in this list that is inherently delicious. If you have a sweet tooth you can make the switch to dark chocolate because the health benefits are incredible. Dark chocolate helps skin to stay hydrated and protects it from sun damage. Be careful though don't just pick any kind of dark chocolate the key is to look for a high flavanol content and should be at least made of 60% cacao. 

So get eating brides! In a few weeks you will be ready for your clearest and most camera ready complexion ever! All your friends and family will be wondering how you got that wedding day glow. You can find so many more wedding day inspiration and tips on our blog. If you are ready to find your dream bridal gown then start your search here!

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'Eat Your Way To More Beautiful Skin' Image #1
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'Eat Your Way To More Beautiful Skin' Image #2
'Eat Your Way To More Beautiful Skin' Image #2


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